We are all familiar with human rights issues that occur every day worldwide. With so many topics, and current events, that could – and should – be discussed, there is one particular realm for Human Rights Day I wanted to talk about specifically ...
A very casual yet colorful getup. Diggin' the orange hat for sure. All tan everything, red lips, and a pop of green with Nikes. Yes, just YES. The black baggy pants scream, "Gen Z is taking over!" But loving the dark tan denim jacket paired with the ...
Typefaces are seen daily everywhere you look. Sometimes you don’t even realize the impact that different typefaces have on the human brain. CCD Graphic Design students have strong (also funny) feelings towards certain ones. Watch the TikTok interview ...
Headphones are an accessory; no ifs, ands, or buts. A gray peacoat and a simple tote bag? *chef's kiss* Super fun landscape sweater with pops of green and blue is sweater weather at its finest! Black and tan with the booties for her and an 80s-eque ...
Have you ever wondered who inhabited Denver before it was Denver? Native American tribes occupied Colorado for more than 13,000 years before white settlers and those on a mission to find gold came out West. What is now known as Denver was land that ...
Fall is upon us, as are the Fall Fits on campus! Did you make it in CityHawk Talk's Fall Fashion on Campus article this week? Big flowy pants are essential to any wardrobe. Leather jackets will never get old. Denim, denim, and more denim. Never ...
October is filled with important nationally and internationally recognized months for a variety of causes. National Dental Hygiene Awareness Month is no exception! As adults, we no longer have our parents to force us to the dentist and continuously ...
Up until recent history, same-sex marriage was either forbidden, shunned, or gave couples very few, if any, rights. Edith Windsor was a computer genius turned LGBTQ+ activist that changed the legal system for gay couples in every state with her ...
The gap in inequality for those who identify as LGBTQ+ has been ongoing for decades, if not centuries, in the United States. Remembering and celebrating the struggles, failures, efforts, and successes of the LGBTQ+ community is critical to humanity ...
In every culture, we find an array of incredible, interesting, delicious foods. To gain more insight into Hispanic Heritage Month, Baby Swoop asked several students about foods they remember having growing up. Warning: do not read if hungry! Ivan ...