Grants are free forms of student financial aid. Most grants do not require repayment, though some grants may need to be repaid if you drop, withdraw from, or fail courses. Grant eligibility is based on the information you provide on your FAFSA and grant amounts are determined based on the number of credit hours you take.
The full offered grant amount may be available to you only if you are attending full time (12 or more credit hours) during a semester. Grant amounts are reduced or prorated when you take fewer than 12 credits. Full-time enrollment is not required to receive grant funding.
This state program provides funds to Colorado residents with high need. You must be enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours and awards are prorated based on your enrollment. Funding is limited and generally awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Federal Pell Grant is designed to benefit eligible undergraduate students who do not hold a bachelor’s degree and have a demonstrated financial need based on the results of your FAFSA.
Congress sets the maximum award amount for the Federal Pell Grant each year. If you transfer to CCD during the academic year, your eligibility will be determined individually based on the amount of any Pell funds you received at previous colleges.
Pell Grant award amounts are adjusted (prorated) for part-time enrollment. Lifetime limits apply. Federal regulations limit your eligibility to the equivalent of 12 semesters (6 years) of full-time enrollment (or 600 percent) for your lifetime. You can track your remaining Pell Grant lifetime eligibility at the National Student Loan Data System for Students.
You may only qualify for Pell funds during a summer semester if you did not attend full time during the fall and spring semesters for that academic year.
The FSEOG Grant is reserved for those students with exceptional need and is only awarded to Pell recipients. Funding is limited and priority is given to students with a low SAI on a first-come, first-served basis. You must be enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours to be eligible for FSEOG. Award amounts are prorated based on enrollment.