CCD student, Zain Dada's sticker design was chosen as the winner of the Auraria Votes! and Denver Clerk and Recorder's "I Voted!" sticker competition. Zain's design will be displayed on over 250,000 Denver County ballots for the 2024 General election.
You can visit the Colorado Secretary of State website to register to vote.
Registering is simple! All you need is to:
You can view or make edits to your voter registration on the Colorado Secretary of State website. This includes editing your party affiliation and mailing address.
Colorado mails out ballots to all registered voters, so you can mail them in or drop them off at an official ballot box. Those locations will be listed in the information provided with your ballot, or you can look them up based on your county. Just Vote Colorado has a list of both polling locations and ballot drop box locations and more FAQs (frequently asked questions) in English and Spanish to help you through the process.
Colorado's elections are secure. Everyone can be confident that their vote is counted accurately and the results reflect the will of eligible Coloradans. View these pages to learn more.
Registered voters will also get a Colorado Ballot Informational Booklet (Bluebook) in the mail (English and Spanish). This provides non-partisan information about proposed amendments and propositions, as well as Judicial Performance Evaluations and contact information for local election officials. This will give you more information about each item on the ballot and what it means and the arguments for and against it.
Check out Ballotpedia.org to learn more about the candidates and ballot measures for this election. This will include local measures as well (city and county). There's a lot to research and review. Don't just rely on ads or what others say. Do your research and choose the candidates that you feel best to represent you and your values. Research what issues they are for and against and pick the candidate that aligns best for you. After all, we are choosing people to represent us in our government.
Yes! You can sign up for BallotTrax to track the status of you mail ballot and receive notifications about where your ballot is in the election process, from mailed to counted.
No! Your voting choices are private information that only you can choose to share. Others can see that you did vote but not who or what you voted for.
If you feel passionate about a ballot measure or candidate, volunteer to help their campaign or write letters/postcards to help inform other voters. You can also volunteer to be a poll worker. And, remind others to take the pledge and vote in the upcoming election!
Follow Auraria Votes on Instagram to stay up to date with events happening on campus. Email AurariaVotes@ccd.edu with any questions.