October 15, 2015

The Phoenix Center | You Don't Need A Cape To Be A Superhero | October 15 Workshop

About This Workshop

Have you ever wanted to step into a situation because you knew something was wrong particularly if it is a friend you are worried about? This workshop discusses 'bystander Intervention' and works to intervene in difficult situations. The focus is on stalking, sexual assault and relationship violence but the principles learned can be applied in situations. Please register at least 24 hours before the workshop date by phone 303.556.6011 or stop by TV 259.

To talk to someone about sexual assault, relationship violence or stalking call the FREE and confidential helpline 24/7 at 303.556.2255. For an appointment to speak with someone in person, call 303.556.6011 or stop by Tivoli 259.

Tivoli 444