October 27, 2017

Daylight Preview Session | October 27

In May, 2018, we will transition to D2L’s new Daylight user interface.

This will create a much more engaging user experience with D2L, allowing it to be used more easily on mobile devices so that the online learning experiences can be accessed by students when it’s most convenient for them. Some new features that will be part of this release and we will not only give a preview of Daylight, but also demonstrate how these new features can be leveraged to help students remain engaged in their classes.

  • New My Courses widget makes it easier to find your courses and quickly get where you want to go
  • New tool names will make it easier for users to know what to do
  • Updated quiz tool makes dynamic online quizzes easier to create
  • Accessibility features makes it easier for faculty to employ Universal Design principles
Cherry Creek Building, Room 149