Determine Course Placement

Determine which English and Math course is best for you. There are different ways to make this determination, choose the one you are most comfortable with.

Options to Determine Your Course Placement


Determine English course placement through an English self-assessment. Your responses will be reviewed, and you will receive an email to your CCD student email with the most appropriate English course for you.

MATH 1340 (College Algebra)

Determine math course placement through a math self-assessment. Your responses will be reviewed, and you will receive an email to your CCD student email with the most appropriate math course for you.

Please turn in your high school transcripts to registration and records.

College-Level Math Course without Support Lab

If you are currently in or graduated high school within the past two years with a 2.75 cumulative unweighted GPA and passed Algebra II or Math III with a "B" grade or better, you can enroll in any entry college-level math course without a support lab.

College-Level Math Course with Support Lab

If you are currently in or graduated high school within the past two years, passed Algebra II or Math III, but do not meet the GPA or grade requirements, you should consider an entry college-level math course with the appropriate support lab. 

English 121 without Support Lab

If you are currently in or graduated high school within the past two years with a 2.75 cumulative unweighted GPA and passed English III or AP English with a "B" grade or better, you can enroll in English 121 without a support lab.

English 121 with Support Lab

If you are currently in or graduated high school within the past two years and passed English III or AP English, but do not meet the GPA or grade requirements, please enroll in ENG 1021 with the support lab.

GED, HiSET, and TASC transcripts can also be reviewed. Please see the Intake form for Admissions.

Official transcripts are evaluated for transfer of credit and reviewed to exempt a student from taking all or portions of the assessment tests (Math and English). Please see the Intake form for Admissions.

Unofficial ACT, SAT, and Accuplacer placement test scores from within the past five (5) years can be evaluated. Please see the Intake form for Admissions.

The minimum test scores to determine course placement are as follows:

  • ACT | English: 18 | Math: 19 for MAT 120/135 or 23 for MAT 121
  • SAT (Taken prior to March 2016) | Critical Reading: 430 for English | Math: 460
  • SAT (Taken after March 2016) | Evidence-Based Reading and Writing: 470 for English | Math: 500 for MAT 120/135 | Math: 560 or higher for MAT 121
  • Classic Accuplacer | Sentence Skills: 95 | Reading Comprehension: 80 (Recommended) | Elementary Algebra: 60 for MAT 120/135 | Elementary Algebra: 85 for MAT 121
  • Next-Generation Accuplacer | Writing: 246 for ENG 121 | Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra and Statistics: 240 for MAT 120/135/155/156 | Advanced Algebra and Functions: 245 for MAT 121/123